Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seven Poems

Armor or Amour

Funny how armor and amour
Are so close in spelling
The former can keep you from the latter
And the loss of the latter can create the former

(Note: I thought amour always meant love, and that’s how we commonly use it, but it also means affair. This works either way.)

By Fred L. Taulbee Jr.

I think in the future
Visualization, possibly by another name
Will be of great concern
Especially in traffic law

The idea is that when we’re on the phone
Some of us visualize that person
While speaking to them
Which causes car wrecks and other accidents

I’ve always thought this but recently received some back up
In an article about an experiment
Using a clown on a unicycle
They queried pedestrians
And about 33% of people listening to music saw the clown on a unicycle
60% talking with a [live] friend noticed it
But only 8% of people talking on phones noticed it
They called it “inattentional blindness”
But I like visualization better

And all this is just a hard science way to tell you
That if a clown on a unicycle passed by while I was on the phone with you
I wouldn’t know it,
Because I can see you when I’m on the phone with you
Your smile
Your eyes

Absolut and Kahlua
By Fred L. Taulbee Jr.

I’m sorry I drank all your Absolute and Kahlua
You left it at my house after we broke up
And asked me to save it for you
But that was all years ago

And a White Russian sounds so good right now
I might also try a Black Russian. I have before.
With more ingredients I could also make

An espresso martini
A Mudslide
An Iguana cocktail

There are probably more
But I’m too drunk to Google anymore

I have to tell you though
That I’m lying
I mean, I AM drunk
But off of beer
Good beer
Dead Guy Ale
Yeah, I can’t believe I found it
Here in Louisiana

No, you see
I lied about drinking your
Absolut and Kahlua
You know why?
Because I’m still hoping
You drop by and pick it up
Can you believe that?
I mean, I have hope
Hope that can last for years
We humans can be perseverant
When it comes to something like
Really longing for someone
And really loving someone.

Bridge and Heart
Fred L. Taulbee Jr.

Like a man standing at a chasm
And a bridge just suddenly appears
Like a heart patient waiting patiently
And gets the heart of a healthy teenage boy

I am simultaneously frightened and happy
Too wary to accept it
Too overwhelmed not to

I will walk the bridge
I will take the heart
And if that bridge collapses
Or if you break my heart again
At least I will be satisfied in knowing
that I have done what’s best and right
Even if it’s for myself
For Now
By Fred L. Taulbee Jr.
Summer 2009

My entire being is screaming out
That this is all wrong
And to hold you kiss you make love to you
Is completely right

And I don’t know how to get back to that
But for patience
And I have patience to spare
But patience for years I’m not sure I have

And the possibility
That it may not work out then anyway
Because right now
Everything, you and I, are in tune

It’s the rest of the world
That is out of whack, out of synch
Right now the planets are aligned
But it’s almost as if it’s over and we have lost our chance

For now.

By Fred L. Taulbee Jr.

I hate a bar without a bar
What I mean
And what you may not know
Is that the bar
In a bar
Is the bar
On the floor
Where you hitch
A foot
and take a load off
I hate a bar without a bar

S. W.
by Fred L. Taulbee Jr.

You know how
When it rains
In the afternoon
And afterwards
You go outside
And the air is cleaner
And you can see further and clearer
And the sun is more radiant


That’s how I feel
When you walk into a room
When I talk to you
When I just think of you.

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